Saturday, May 22, 2010

Free Prescription Drug Coupons | Discount Pharmacy Coupons | Pharmaceutical Coupons


Nils A. Shapiro,
Editor-in-Chief for

If this is your first visit to our website, it will help you to become familiar with us, and to discover how quickly and easily this site can help you to enjoy substantial savings whenever you want to have a prescription filled for a medication you need…or even when you are just looking for relief from minor, uncomfortable symptoms, such as a headache or the beginning of a cold. website’s commitment to you is to offer the most comprehensive, most up-to-date money-saving opportunities available anywhere on the Internet for help in lowering your, and your family’s, health costs at any pharmacy.

Our staff has already designed this site to be very user-friendly, as you will see the very first time you use our service—right from the Home Page and continuing throughout. We want to be your most important source for hundreds of the money-saving coupons you need for the products you want--ready for you to print out from your computer and bring to your pharmacy. Our objective is clear and direct: To help you and your family know about every available opportunity to lower your health care costs at the pharmacy. In many cases, that means even entirely eliminating any co-pay that would ordinarily be required from you according to your present prescription insurance program. Not only for the first time you have a prescription filled, but often for refills, as well. Think of how much that can save you! We can also help you to save money on over-the-counter, non-prescription products, as well. And even if you do not have any prescription insurance, you can still take advantage of the savings amount shown on each coupon for that prescription medication or over-the-counter product!

As an important extra service, when you click “Join Our Mailing List" they will keep you regularly informed of additional new medication savings programs via our newsletter.

Most people now depend upon the Internet as their primary source for information. That’s why I am so pleased to have been selected to help make this new website --- --- the finest and most helpful of its kind for everyone who need medications, at a time when health costs have become a major concern for millions of American families.

Click here for instructions on how to use their site

We work for you, by maintaining excellent relationships with pharmaceutical companies, as well as with firms that make over-the-counter products. They, together with all physicians, realize that any medical treatment, in order to be most effective, must be strictly followed according to the physicians’ instructions. If a patient cannot afford to purchase the medication, and to continue refilling it for as long as directed by the physician, the success of that treatment --- and the patient’s health --- can be jeopardized. With that in mind, the pharmaceutical companies are committed to helping you continue your treatment. The programs that you will find on this website are sponsored by the pharmaceutical manufacturers in order to make it possible for you, and your family, to follow your physicians’ instructions to keep you and your family healthier. We look forward to having you with us as a regular visitor to this website.

You can also help other visitors to this site by telling them about your experiences with the medications you use. is an inter-active website. We welcome your personal comments--- about any experience you have had with the medications you use.

(e-mail me here) Your experience will help to guide others, and you will be doing them a great service. We will always remember that we work for you…so we welcome any additional suggestions you may have to help us make this the very best website of its kind in the world. Thank you.
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5 Twitter Tips to Find Coupons Online

Have you hopped on Twitter yet? If not, you may be missing out on fabulous coupons and discounts. Here are my top five tips to find money-saving coupons using Twitter:

1) Follow Your Favorite Stores. Where do you like to shop? Make a quick list of your favorites, then head to Google. Type the name of the store and then the word "Twitter." For example, I just typed in "Banana Republic" and "Twitter" into the search box. So now I'm following @BananaRepublic. The very first tweet was a 40% off coupon code good on all jewelry!

2) Build Twitter Lists. Create separate lists within your Twitter account so you can see on one screen tweets from all your favorite stores. This way you'll be among the first to find out about coupons and special deals.

3) Seek Out Popular Deal Tweets. Stop by and type in the name of your favorite retailer along with the word "coupon" to see what pops up. You can also check out CheapTweet or TweetMeSavings for the most popular deal tweets in various categories.

4) Use Twitter Bots to Save Money. Give TinyMassive or CouponBot a whirl. With TinyMassive, send a tweet to @TinyMassive with the name of the product you want to buy. The bot will send back to you the lowest price found along with a link to product search results. Sending a tweet to @CouponBot with the name of a store will net you links to coupons to use at that retailer.

5) Track Hashtags. Follow hashtags like #coupon, #coupons, #bargains, #freebie and #freebies to find great deals. Just enter the hashtags in the search box on your Twitter page to see the most recent tweets.
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