Sunday, August 15, 2010

CNN Newsroom: The Art of Couponing

The coupon section in the Sunday Paper has shrunk as the deals have shifted to cyber space. Companies are going green and realizing it's more effective to put these deals online. There is a plethora of websites, workshops and other tools popping up everywhere to educate consumers on how to stretch their dollars by using coupons. Even social media sites like Facebook have jumped on the bandwagon to offer discounts to people who friend or follow them.

Coupon clipping classes and sites are becoming the latest way to save money and keep your quality of life without breaking the budget. As fewer coupons arrive in the paper, more deals are found online. But, you have to know how to navigate the web to find the best sites for getting the biggest bang for your buck.

These classes are popping up everywhere. Costs range from free to about $25 bucks. You may be wondering, “What do they teach at a coupon class?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Most of the classes in general cover a range of topics dealing with the art of "couponing." You’ll learn how to find coupons, the art of matching coupons to store sales, a list of all the top couponing websites, and how to use them. Participants will also discuss and learn tips on effective budgeting, the envelope system and determining how to feed a family of 4, 5, or even 6 on $50 a week. Last, but not least, a topic perfect for this economy: frugal living - with topics ranging from meal planning, thrift store shopping and how to be a garage sale guru.

I’ve often heard it said if you can solves someone's problems in this economy you’ll always have a job. Well, if the problem is lack of funds, it looks like the internet has provided an answer for many people working hard to stretch a dollar.

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