Office Depot: Online coupon code for $20 off a $100 purchase. If you have more than one child like myself school shopping racks up quickly and it’s easy to spend more than $100. Enter the code: 91796490 into the online promotional code section when you check out.
Spending more than $150? Use Office Depot $30 off coupon code instead: 53343220.
For younger children The Children’s Palace has a coupon code for 15% off your purchase. Enter the coupon code: CABIN77 at checkout. This code will expire in late August. Or coupon code: FA79 which expires 9/7/09.
Kohl’s has a 10% off coupon code: NEW9658. This will defiantly help with children’s back to school clothes for any age. Also a mailer went out where you can save 10-20-30% the week of August 12th. Don’t forget to take your mailer with you to the store.
A couple coupon codes for older girls and teens. Finding trendy outfits for late summer and fall can be a daunting task. But the Fashion Bug offers some named brands such as Mudd and Bobby Jack. Use the coupon code: 776192106 to get $20 off $75 or more.
Victoria Secret is having their annual summer sale. For your teen she can find 60% off jeans, tops, shoes and more. Or if you spend more than $100 by August 19th you can get free shipping coupon code: SP917809. That’s not all Victoria Secret offers. For fall clothes save $15 off $100, $30 off $150, $75 off $250 and $150 off $500. Use coupon code: FA918229 at checkout.
Crayolastore.com is offering free markers with a purchase of $20 or more. Coupon code: B2SCHOOL9. Also free shipping is available for purchases of $75 and over.
Everyone wants a new pair of shoes for school. Famous Footwear is having their buy one pair of shoes get another ½ off without shipping sale. They also have a promotion going on until 9/19/09. 15% off use coupon code: BTSFF15. Expires: 9/19/09
Foot Locker has two coupon codes. One is for 20% off $75 coupon code: LKS1A927 and the other coupon code is for free shipping with a $50 purchase: LSK1AFF. Coupons expire: 8/31/09.
K-Mart is having a $5 off School Supplies, Backpacks, Lunch Kits & Calculators over $50. Use coupon code: KBTS5OFF3. Hurry coupon expires; 8/15/09. $5 off $50 coupon code: KMART5OFF50. And 10% off all shoes coupon code: SHOES10P
More shoe for less at shoes.com. A 15% off back to school & free shipping coupon code is available through 8/31/09. Coupon code: BTSSHOES09
With today’s economy back to school shopping can add up quickly and be a lot more money than you have anticipated. I hope these tips and coupon discount codes help to save you some money or maybe a little something, something for yourself. Now there’s an idea!
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