Coupons...some people hate them, some love them. Coupon collecting can be a daunting task to find, cut or print out, sort and constantly check for expiration dates. Due to today's economy more people than ever are collecting coupons for anything from a tube of tooth paste to a discount coupon for car repair or oil changes. Coupons have become a necessity for both the consumer and the merchant. With retail sales falling, the merchant has to come up with clever ways to entice you into their store, while the consumer is desperately seeking ways to save cash. I think it used to be a merchant gave you coupons for things you wouldn't normally buy and they need to get particular items off their shelves. Today it's just a matter of who has the biggest discounted coupons such as grocery store coupons.
Kroger has come up with a new coupon marketing strategy. They keep track of what the customer purchases and sends discount coupons accordingly. For example the coupons for groceries I received yesterday are:
Free Tylenol (it's always nice to get free coupons)
Save $4.00 on Health & Beauty Care
Save $2.00 on Iam's Kitten Food
Save $1.35 on Private Select Coffee
Save $.55 on Weight Watchers Cheese
Save $2.00 on Duracell Battery Pack
Save $1.50 on Woolite
Save $1.00 on Nestle Coffee-Mate
Save $1.00 on Two Crystal Lite Powder Mixes
Save $1.00 on Frito's
Save $1.50 on Fresh Step Cat Litter
Save $1.00 on String Cheese
Save $1.00 on Solo Plates or Cups
Save $.75 on Sugar Free Spreadable Fruit
These are all items that I have purchased before so my odds of using these coupons by 10/18/09 are pretty good, if I just remember them.
Remembering that you have coupons is not always conducive with your hectic schedule. I always find myself running into the grocery store and buying an item only to realize I had a coupon at home. Pisses me off.
So Kroger has come up with another way to make it easier. If you sign up for their P&G eSaver on kroger.com they will download online coupons right on your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card. How clever is that? I just signed up and it only took a matter of a few minutes. Also on their website you can choose printable coupons, but you have to download their coupon printer software on your computer. And remember by just using your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card at the checkout register you will automatically save on certain items purchased.
Other retailers such as Meijer or Marsh also have printable grocery coupons.
Manufacturer coupons in mailers arrive in your mailbox weekly. Many local businesses use these marketing methods to get consumers in their stores. Where I live we have Valpak and MoneyMailer.
Valpak has retail coupons from carpet cleaning businesses to a free coupon for a MyMyst Tan from a local tanning salon. Other limited coupons are for car washes, cardinal fitness discounted memberships, Comcast services and Zollman Plastic Surgery buy one procedure and receive a second procedure of equal or lesser value for FREE! I'm saving that one.
MoneyMailer's promotional coupons include Pizza Hut coupons, The Party Tree coupons, local restaurant coupons like Subway coupons (usually only at certain locations) or other fast food coupons and Staples coupons.
Retail coupons are available online, in mailers or in your Sunday newspaper. If you have their credit card you will receive store coupons for a dollar amount or percentage off merchandise for a period of time. I just received Macy's Star Rewards coupons; one for $15.00 off of a single purchase of $40.00 and another coupon I can save 20% off a purchase, both are good through October 14th.
Remember to read the back of these store coupons for exclusions. A lot of the name brand clothing, such as Tommy Bahama or Ralph Lauren for example, everyday value merchandise, jewelry including watches, fragrances, electronics and furniture are some of the items that the coupon excludes. Macy's and Kohl's have $10.00 days.... for every $50.00 you spend you get a $10.00 coupon. With Macy's you can use the $10 coupon the same day. Kohl's on the other hand wants you to return to their store on another date, so the coupons are good for certain dates in the future.
Other way retailers are promoting sales with one day events using store coupons of additional 10-20-30% savings. J C Penney has a one day event this Sunday offering a coupon with an extra 20% off. Just in time to buy school clothes!
Today with a little research you can find coupons to print from any merchant. Not only retail or food coupons, but hotel coupons, Las Vegas Coupons and movie coupons can be found online.
This website will help you find those valuable coupons. If you have a website that offers free printable coupons let me know. My email address is: katmando5139@yahoo.com
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